Cansiglio stone
“Cansiglio stone” has been extracted since Roman times in Col delle Fratte (Tambre) at about 1010m above sea level, along the road winding on Mount Guslòn slopes. In this area the slopes consist of accumulations from old landslides: debris deposits and huge stone blocks fallen from above.
Lithostratigraphy: Calcari del Fadalto Formation (in the Alpago sector also known as Calcare di Monte Cavallo – Mount Cavallo Limestone) followed on the roof by the Scaglia Cinerea Formation and at the base by the Biancone Formation (Cretaceous). They have the following lithological characteristics.
Lithological characteristics
- Scaglia Rossa: Cretaceous (Santonian – Maastrichtian): marlstones and red marlstone micrites, grey on top, sometimes with interbedded breccias and graded biocalcarenites.
- Formazione dei Calcari del Fadalto (Fadalto Limestones Formation): Cretaceous (Abian/Cenomanian – Santonian); hazel-coloured calcarenites and bioclastic breccias with fragments of rudists and caprinidae. Indistinct stratification or in meters-thick layers.
- Biancone: Cretaceous (Tithonian p.p.– late Cretaceous): well stratified white and grey flint micrites, with sporadic interbedded graded biocalcarenites. Also rough calcarenites (local Soccher limestone).