Rosso secca
“Rosso Secca” is extracted in a small quarry in La Secca (Ponte nelle Alpi), very close to A27 motorway, at about 400 m above sea level. There is a rocky slope, consisting of red marl limestone, with orientation of the strata in the slope direction, more or less with same inclination.
Lithostratigraphy (see Italy Geological Map, 1:50.000 scale, sheet 063 Belluno): in this particular sector of the Belluno Basin: Cugnan and Scaglia Rossa Formation, followed by the Marna della Vena d’Oro e Scaglia Cinerea Formation above and by the Calcari del Fadalto at the base (between Cretaceous and Pleistocene). They have the following lithological characteristics.
Lithological characteristics
- Marna della Vena d’Oro e Scaglia Cinerea (Vena d’Oro marlstone and Scaglia Cinerea): Paleocene (Thanetian – basal Cuisian); red and grey-greenish foliated clay marlstones in globoborotallides and truncarotaloidides. Marlstones and ash clay marlstones in globoborotallides, under grey marl limestones, densely stratified with sporadic interbedded bioclastic limestones.
- Formazione di Cugnan e Scaglia Rossa (Cugnan Formation and Scaglia Rossa): Paleocene – Cretaceous (Santonian – Maastrichtian); alternating light grey biocalcarenites, marl limestones and reddish clay marlstones in globoborotallides; reddish slab-shaped calcareous marlstones and marl limestones in globotroncanidides, truncarotaloidides, inocerami and ichnofossils, flint in the lower part, with calcarenites and whitish bioclastic breccias.
- Formazione dei Calcari del Fadalto (Fadalto Limestones Formation): Cretaceous (Abian/Cenomanian – Santonian); hazel calcarenites and bioclastic breccias in fragments of rudists and caprinidae. Indistinct stratification or in meters-thick layers.
- In particular, Rosso Secca is found between red (referable to Scaglia Rossa) and grey lithotypes, in correspondence of a limited and characteristic level consisting of intense wine-red marl limestones, 1-2m thick.